icosahedral symmetry

  • 网络二十面体对称;对称二十面体;二十面体立体对称型;体对称型;对称型
icosahedral symmetryicosahedral symmetry
  1. After three times freeze-thaw , cells and culture medium were harvested for electron microscopy . Virus particles were nonenveloped , double capsid and icosahedral symmetry . This virus was designated Bat / China / 2003 ( B / 03 ) .


  2. The capsids of nearly all spherical viruses adopt icosahedral symmetry .


  3. Purified virus was nonenveloped , icosahedral symmetry with a triangulation number of 3 , and 33 ~ 37nm in diameter .


  4. Negative-contrast examination showed nucleocapsids 56.06 ± 2.42 nm in diameter , icosahedral symmetry and with clearly discernible capsomere structures , and cores 38.36 ± 2.42 nm in diameter .
